Include your Family!
For those of you looking to adopt a healthy lifestyle, you should include your family too!
Unfortunately, today’s youth are facing some serious health issues. Adolescent obesity is at an all time high, and following right behind is the growing number of diabetes cases. Our children are at risk for a number of health issues because of today’s lifestyle
Let’s face it…..The eating habits of our children are severely lacking. Their daily meals consist almost entirely of processed, pre-packaged sugar rushes. It is incredibly easy and affordable to feed them this way. I get it….as a busy mom I did the same thing. A typical breakfast may be a bowl of sugar laden cereal with candy marshmallows, or maybe a delicious crème filled pastry. Lunch is no better, usually consisting of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a side of potato chips and a soda to wash it down. And just maybe, for an added treat a cookie or brownie. Because of all the busy schedules dinner is often a stop at a fast food joint. I haven’t even gotten to the snacks they are constantly consuming. Think chips, crackers and ice cream.
Adding to this disastrous diet is their sedentary lifestyle. Today’s technology is providing our kids with a days worth of entertainment without ever leaving the sofa. Ipods, Xboxes, Netflix and hundreds of cable TV stations capture their attention for hours on end. And when they finally do get off the couch and venture outside, they hop on motorized scooters and hover boards. The most exercise they get, is opening the door!
The eating habits and lifestyle of today’s youth are two major factors in their decreasing health. While I would encourage everyone to put down the remotes and get outside for some physical activity, I realize that it is not so easy trying to convince children. However, you do buy the food for the household, and that is a way you can impact their health. And since you are looking to be healthier, bring the family along for the ride. Developing good eating habits at an early age will make it easier for them to eat healthy as they get older. You’ve heard the cliché “its hard to teach an old dog new tricks”. Show your children how to eat properly, and watch them grow into healthy adults. Subscribe to this blog so you’ll never miss a thing!
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