Emotional Eating…Is this you? If you are following the hunger scale, and only eating when you actually feel physical hunger then you are noticing something….you reach for food way more often than you need to. When I truly started eating because I was hungry, it led me to ask myself A LOT more questions. Every
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The First Step to Weight Loss and Health
Where to start… Last week I dove into the never ending battle of the diet….or the bungee cord as I like to call it. There are so many plans out there enticing us with the promise of success. However, none of these plans are equipping us with the tools absolutely necessary for long term success.
Why is it so Hard to Lose Weight and Keep it Off?
What’s up with the Bungee Cord? Are you sick of trying to lose weight and keep it off? We are all intelligent people. We know what to eat, and what is good for us. So what the heck is the problem? Why can’t we follow a system and stick with it? These questions used to
Continue reading Why is it so Hard to Lose Weight and Keep it Off?
Excited to Fail
I love to fail, and you should too! You heard right….. We’ve all heard that we have to fail in order to succeed. Yet, do we really believe that? It’s almost like that thing people tell us so we don’t feel so bad when we fail miserably at something. Like the pat on
Balance…..Who Knew It Was So Hard?
Believe it or not… the majority of the decisions you make throughout your day are based on trying to find balance. Finding the perfect balance often feels like a constant struggle. When I think about my day, it seems like every decision is made with the intent to find balance. It starts from the moment
We ALL Need This Lesson
Lessons from a child I’m just speaking from the heart today! This is a story we can all learn from. Remember the days when you were invincible? You had visions of what your life would be like and nothing could stop you. Whether it was a rockstar, a doctor, a professional football player, a teacher,
Too Busy To Be Healthy?
Eating Healthy is possible for busy families! Dieting NEVER works!! Ok, ok, don’t bombard the comments telling me that you lost 10 pounds on your diet. Yes, I’m perfectly aware that many diets will help you lose weight. However, it’s a short term solution. Let’s be honest, the majority of people who do have success
Make Mine a Double
Water Anyone? Our bodies are roughly 65% water. The brain is about 85% water, blood is 80% and muscle is around 70% water. We can survive weeks without food, but only a few days without water. It is literally the most important item that we consume. Why do we need it? Dehydration can lead to
Change is Easy
Say What!!! Well let me clarify. Knowing what to do to make the change is easy. Think about it….if you want to lose weight, you eat less of the crappy food. You know you need to eat more of the food that is good for you. Right? Not that hard. I bet you could even
Time for Change
Change? Why would I do that? It’s time for a change! Have you ever thought that you would love to change something in your life? I don’t think there is anyone out there who hasn’t at one time or another wanted to make a change to some aspect of their life. So if we all