Believe it or not…
the majority of the decisions you make throughout your day are based on trying to find balance.
Finding the perfect balance often feels like a constant struggle. When I think about my day, it seems like every decision is made with the intent to find balance. It starts from the moment I wake up. I am typically hungry and want something really satisfying and delicious. Yet, I want it to be something good for me to start the day of right. So I stare at the fridge and pantry until I find that perfect balance. Well at least that’s my intent. Typically I fall just short. One day it might be super healthy, but not exactly satisfying to my taste buds and cravings. While another day may be a scrumptious breakfast, but fall short on the healthy morning jumpstart. Finding the right balance can be very difficult.
There’s More…
That’s just the first decision about what you are going to put in your mouth. This balance goes far beyond food. Think about your choice of outfit for the day. You want to look cute, yet also be comfy. Night on the town? Pick out that sexy outfit, but don’t be too revealing. See? It’s everywhere! The constant search for balance. We don’t even realize we are doing it.
Oh and the kids…..
Kids? Oh they play a huge roll. How many times do we tell our kids no, and then we second guess ourselves. We want them to have boundaries and limits, yet we don’t want to be that overprotective helicopter parent. We want to protect them, but we also want them to know we trust them to make good decisions on their own. There is no easy solution to these balance issues. Sorry, they are a case by case situation, and you have to figure them out as they come. However, I can help you with an extremely important balance issue. One that you probably never think of.
Balancing Your Body
When was the last time you thought about your body being balanced? No, I’m not talking about balancing while standing on one foot with your eyes closed. I’m talking about your insides. If you are like me, you haven’t thought about anything’s pH balance since high school science class. You’ll be interested to know it is extremely important to our overall health. When our pH is balanced we should easily lose weight and feel great! When any living organisms pH balance is out of whack (too acidic or too alkaline) it will not thrive. The same is with humans. If our pH is out of range our health deteriorates.
The pH is what determines if a solution is acidic or alkaline. The pH scale ranges from 0-14, with 7 being a balanced pH. Our body is designed to function at that level of 7. So if we are on the acidic end of the scale, our body will pull from our alkaline reserves stored in our bones, tissues and teeth. If our body is constantly having to do that to keep us balanced you can see how our health begins to deteriorate. There’s good news though! We can control our pH balance by eating the right food. Therefore it’s important to know which foods are acidic and which are alkaline. It’s nearly impossible to put a category of food as acidic or alkaline. For example most fruits and veggies are alkaline forming. Yet there are many that are not. It is also hard to guess. I would have thought that lemons were extremely acidic. However, it is the exact opposite. In fact lemons are one of the best alkaline forming foods you can eat (or squeeze in your warm water). Determining the foods you eat and whether or not they are acidic or alkaline is going to take a little research on your part. has a great guide to help you! I will tell you some of the best alkaline forming foods to add to your diet though!

Cruciferous vegetables

Leafy greens


Cayenne peppers (capsicum)

For more tips and ideas join our Facebook group, All Around Wellness! I am a certified Health and Wellness Coach. Contact me to set up a call to discuss your health needs:
*photo by Jennifer Hudson